Albany - Darby Field Inn & Restaurant
Alton Bay - Bay Side Inn
Andover - Bluewater Farm - Lakeside lodges and cottages
Bartlett - Bartlett Inn
Bartlett - Red Apple Inn
Bedford - Bedford Village Inn
Bethlehem - Adair Country Inn
Bethlehem - Wayside Inn
Bradford - Thistle & Shamrock Inn & Restaurant
Bretton Woods - Above The Notch Motor Inn
Bretton Woods - Bretton Arms
Bridgewater - Inn on Newfound Lake
Center Sandwich - The Corner House Inn
Chesterfield - Chesterfield Inn
Chocorua - Brass Heart Inn
Chocorua - Riverbend Country Inn
Concord - Centennial Inn
Danbury - The Inn at Danbury
Danbury - The Inn at Ragged Edge Farm
Dummer - Great Northern Moose Lodge
Durham - Three Chimneys Inn
Exeter - Exeter Inn
Errol - 150 Main Street Lodging on the Androscoggan
Errol - Magalloway River Inn
Fitzwilliam - Fitzwilliam Inn
Franconia - Franconia Inn
Franconia - Lovetts Inn
Gilford - Ames Farm Inn
Gilford - Gunstock Inn & Fitness Center
Glen - Bernerhof Inn
Gorham - Colonial Comfort Inn Hiker’s Paradise
Gorham - Gorham Motor Inn
Gorham - Royalty Inn
Gorham - Town & Country
Hampton - Lamie's Inn
Hancock - Hancock Inn - Since 1789
Hart's Location - Notchland Inn
Hebron - Coppertoppe Lodge and Retreat Center
Henniker - Colby Hill Inn
Holderness - Inn On Golden Pond
Holderness - Squam Lake Inn
Intervale - The Forest, A Country Inn
Intervale - Old Field House Inn
Jaffrey - Inn at Jaffrey Center
Jaffrey - Monadnock Inn
Jackson - Christmas Farm Inn
Jackson - Dana Place Inn
Jackson - Inn at Ellis River
Jackson - Inn at Jackson
Jackson - Inn At Thorn Hill
Jackson - Snowflake Inn
Jackson - The Wentworth
Jackson - Whitney's Inn at Jackson
Jefferson - Jefferson Inn
Lancaster - Coös Motor Inn
Lincoln - Drummerboy Motor Inn
Lincoln - Kancamagus Lodge
Littleton - Beal House Inn
Littleton - Carlson’s Lodge
Littleton - Eastgate Motor Inn
Littleton - Thayers Inn
Lyme - Alden Country Inn
Lyme - Loch Lyme Lodge
Melvin Village - Pine View Lodge
Meredith - Inns at Mill Falls
Meredith - Oliver Lodge
Moultonboro - Olde Orchard Inn
Newbury - Lakeview Lodge at Mt. Sunapee
New London - The Inn at Pleasant Lake
New London - Twin Lake Village
North Conway - 1785 Inn
North Conway - Buttonwood Inn
North Conway - Cranmore Inn
North Conway - Four Seasons Lodge Private, group only accommodations, 10 bedrooms & pool
North Conway - Merrill Farm Resort
North Conway - Golden Gables Inn
North Conway - Oxen Yoke Inn & Motel
North Conway - Spuce Moose Lodge
North Conway - Stonehurst Manor
North Stratford - Grand Ole Lodge - Adjacent to major ATV & snowmobile trails.
North Woodstock - Woodstock Inn, Station & Brewery
Pittsburg - Lopstick Lodge and Cabins
Pittsburg - Tall Timber Lodge
Pittsburg - Metallak Shores Resort
Plymouth - Common Man Inn
Plymouth - Pilgrim Inn & Cottages
Portsmouth - The Hotel Portsmouth
Portsmouth - Inn at Strawbery Banke
Portsmouth - Martin Hill Inn
Portsmouth - Port Inn
Portsmouth - Wrens Nest Village Inn
Rindge - Woodbound Inn
Rochester - Agnes Pease House
Snowville - Snowvillage Inn
Stewartstown - Sportsman's Lodge
Sugar Hill - Sunset Hill House - A Grand Inn
Sunapee - Dexter's Inn & Tennis Club
Sunapee - The Lake Inn at Mt. Sunapee
Tamworth - Tamworth Inn
Tilton - The 1875 Inn
Troy - Inn At East Hill Farm
Twin Mountain - Carlson’s Lodge
Walpole - Alyson's Orchard
Walpole - Walpole Inn
Weirs Beach - Cedar Lodge
Whitefield - The Spalding Inn
Wolfeboro - Brook and Bridle Summer Homes and Inn
Woodsville - Nootka Lodge Online Reservation Center (Worldwide)
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