Berlin - Moffett House Museum & Genealogy Center
Berlin - Northern Forest Heritage Park
Candia - Fitts Museum
Canterbury - Canterbury Shaker Village
Charleston - Fort at No. 4
Charleston - Colebrook Area Historical Museum
Concord - Kaleidoscope Children's Museum An environment for young children and their families to create, imagine, play, explore and have fun.
Concord - Museum of Natural History
Concord - Pierce Manse
Contoocook - The Little Nature Museum
Cornish - Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site
Derry - Robert Frost Farm State Historic Site
Dover - Woodman Museum
Enfield - Enfield Shaker Musuem
Exeter - American Independence Museum
Franconia - New England Ski Museum
Franklin - Daniel Webster Birthplace State Historic Site
Hanover - Hood Museum of Art
Hillsboro - Franklin Pierce Homestead
Hopkinton - The Little Nature Museum
Keene - Horatio Colony Museum
Laconia - The Belknap Mill
Lancaster - John Wingate Weeks Estate
Londonderry - Aviation Museum
Manchester - America's Credit Union Museum
Manchester - Currier Gallery of Art
Manchester - Lawrence L. Lee Scouting Museum
Manchester - McIninch Art Gallery (Southern NH University)
Manchester - Millyard Museum
Meriden - Aidron Duckworth Art Museum
Milton - New Hampshire Farm Museum
Moultonborough - Castle In the Clouds Historic Mansion
Newcastle - Fort Stark Historic Site
Newbury - The Fells
New London - Ice House
North Sutton - Muster Field Farm Museum
Peterborough - Mariposa Museum of World Cultures
Plymouth - Museum of the White Mountains
Portsmouth - Albacore Park
Portsmouth - The Children's Museum of Portsmouth
Portsmouth - Harbor Arts
Portsmouth - Strawbery Banke Museum
Portsmouth - Wentworth-Coolidge Mansion
Potters Place - Andover Historical Society Museum
Sandown - Sandown Historical Society
Stewartstown - Poore Family Homestead
Tamworth - Remick Country Doctor Museum & Farm
Warner - Mt. Kearsarge Indian Museum
Warner - New Hampshire Telephone Museum
Wolfeboro - Clark House Museum
Wolfeboro - Libby Museum
Wolfeboro - NH Boat Museum
Wolfeboro - Wright Museum
See Also:
NH Amusements, Destinations and Theme Parks (
NH Heritage Museum Trail
NH Historical or Heritage Organizations (
NH Science Attractions (
- Verified Listing
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