The Monadnock Region of NH is attractive, peaceful and quiet. There are numerous parks and
open spaces, covered bridges, and ample outdoor recreation, but very few 'destination'
attractions, Mount Monadnock being a notable exception.
Located on the southwest side of the state, the area's commerce is derived principally
from the presence of Keene State College, Lake Sunapee, retail sales magnified by sales tax hating
Vermonters and Bay Staters, and some agriculture & tourism.
The area has a credible and lively arts presence driven by the college and generous
corporate sponsors. Lodging is easily had in Keene but sparse elsewhere. Restaurants
can generally be found throughout the area but menus are disproportionately American
comfort foods. Camping is abundant and reasonably priced, especially at state parks.
The area hosts many hiking trails. The best spot to shop locally made merchandise is
probably the Hanna Grimes Marketplace.
Aside from live performances or festival attendance, visits to the Cathedral of the
Pines, Mt. Monadnock, or a drive to the summit of Pack Monadnock via Miller State Park
are the best bets for cherished life long memories. If you are a flower enthusiast,
enjoy walks, and tolerate mosquitoes well, you'll also delight in visiting Rhododendron
State Park. And please, we are not kidding about the mosquitoes.
For more information about the Monadnock region, visit the Monadnock Travel Council's web site.
Of Interest:
ATV Clubs
Campgrounds, Statewide (Private)
Campgrounds, Statewide (Public)
Lodging, Statewide
Restaurants, Statewide
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