One of the most amazing things about New Hampshire is that we have dozens of butterflies including their many colorations. They are found everywhere! This Viceroy (Limenitis archippus) was found along the Kangamangus Highway on 8-18-05.
(Click on any photo for a larger image.) |
Almost anywhere there are flowers, there will be butterflies. We photographed this butterfly, probably an Atlantis Fritillary (Speyeria atlantis atlantis), at the Russell Colbath Historic Site in Albany, NH on 8-18-05. |
They vary widely in size and can be found on the smallest flowers. This Silver-bordered Fritillary (Boloria selene) was observed at the Edward McDowell Lake Park near Peterborough, NH on 8-9-01 |
This undated file photo was taken at the Canterbury Shaker Village in Canterbury NH, probably in 2002. The angle of the shot makes positive identification impossible, but it's likely a Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele). |
Taken at the NH state Fish and Game Headquarters, Concord, NH this Clouded Sulpher (Colias philodice) was captured 9-24-2001. As the date suggests, butterflies can be enjoyed until quite late in summer season!
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All Photography Copyright by George C. Jobel - All Rights Reserved